1.Personal Details

We'll need these details in order to be able to contact you.

2. Profile
Résumé / CV
Accepted file formats are .pdf and .docx
Diversity and Inclusion
At Universal and Map, we are an equal opportunities employer.  We believe in creating a dynamic work environment that values diversity, equity and inclusion.  We strive to recruit from a diverse slate of candidates and foster an environment which provides the right conditions for long term success. We welcome all applications regardless of race, colour, religion or belief, gender, gender identity, age, national origin, marital status, military veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation and physical or mental disability.  
To help us hold ourselves accountable for progress and monitor our efforts, we invite you to answer the following questions.  You are not required to answer these questions, they are entirely voluntarily and will not be viewable as part of your application or candidate profile.  If you choose to answer, please know that all data is stored separately and used in aggregate for reporting purposes.  
4. Submit Application

In order to contact you with future jobs that you may be interested in, we need to store your personal data.

If you are happy for us to do so please click the checkbox below.

You can view our privacy notice for more information.